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Simmapark Co. Ltd.. originally began as Simmtec in Italy, one of the founders of the world's automated parking industry, involved in all aspects of automated parking:

  • Design;
  • Manufacture;
  • Installation;
  • Operation;
  • Maintenance.

Despite the challenges of South Korea's technology-focused, competitive marketplace Simmapark's continuing Research & Development has resulted in one of the world's most advanced automated parking technologies, offering a completely flexible parking solution to suit any prospective requirement.

Their values focus on efficiency and environment-friendliness, striving to overcome overcrowdedness, commuter discomfort and pollution. Locally-available systems offer the following benefits:

  • Flexible designs;
  • Energy-efficiency;
  • Rapid cycle times;
  • Simple installation.

Simmapark's global network of 15 partners is continually solving international urban parking shortages and revitalizing city centers by implementing the world's most advanced, affordable and Green parking solution.

130 international Simmapark systems currently park 14,306 cars, with the number of installations constantly growing. Furthermore, over 5,000 automated stacked parking systems are in use worldwide.

It is a privilege to represent their technology in South Africa.

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